Contxto – Searching for attractive stock market investments has never been easier. Argentine startup Goonder allows you to make worldwide investments, offering the best stock opportunities at the tip of your fingers. Learn how the market works as you go and invest your money in the best deals available.
Goonder is the trading app every aspiring trader needs to try. With it, you’ll get the chance to learn about investments and earn returns on the go. Even better, the app also provides its users with risk assessment and performance follow-ups.

What is Goonder?
Goonder is not a broker, so it’s not a financial entity itself. However, it offers an algorithm that predicts the return on investment (ROI) that a stock investment might generate. When you buy a certain stock, Goonder will generate “stop-loss” and “stop-gain” values.
This means that if the value of the stock goes below a certain point, Goonder will then sell it, preventing you from losing everything you’ve invested. The same happens with gains. When the stock increases its value to a certain level, the app will sell it. This way, you’ll get the best ROI possible at a certain risk level.
Create your profile
Don’t know what kind of investor you are? No worries, Goonder will determine your ranking based on four simple questions.
Do you have experience investing? Press yes only if you’ve been investing for more than two years. By saying yes, you’ll get access to investments considered “risky” for newcomers.
Are you a socially conscious person? A socially conscious investor chooses not to invest in companies with negative impacts on society or the planet.
Do you want to make this fun? If so, Goonder mode will be activated. The app will set you up with investment opportunities with a little bit of irony. Honestly, I never got what they meant by “irony”, but that’s what this option says it provides.
What type of investor are you? A conservative investor will earn only “safe” investment opportunities, which could be less in terms of quantity. An aggressive investor receives all opportunities, with no filter associated with the risk. Personally, I chose to be a moderate investor, not too risky and not too safe.
Now for the fun part. Based on your answers, Goonder will generate your investor profile. Profiles are different combinations of the answers provided to the four initial questions. So basically, you’re profiled based on what you hope to gain from the app.

In the end, I turned out to be a Rockstar investor, but for the sake of experimenting more with the app, I switched to Wolf, which offered more stock opportunities due to a high-risk investment factor.
If you don’t like the profile Goonder chose for you, you can always pick another. Are you a Sniper, Shark, Technological or Surfer investor? Choose the one that suits you best. Remember, investment opportunities depend on your profile classification.
Should you decide to manually choose your profile, do it by reading the characteristics of each of them. Experience, fun, social consciousness and, being risky or safe, are the general components of each investor type.
After creating your profile, you can also specify the regions where you’d like to invest, preferred currency, language, etc.
The best app for newbies
If you have no experience whatsoever with stocks or cryptocurrency investment, this is definitely the app for you. Goonder reinforces the concept that practice makes perfect.
With Goonder’s paper mode, meaning there’s no actual money involved, you’ll receive 5,000 virtual dollars to invest however you see fit. This is to help you decipher your own investment strategy. Since this is not real money, nothing can really go wrong. Experiment. Have fun. Take a chance.
Little by little, though, users should start getting the hang of it. When you feel ready to go to the big leagues, then you can switch to real mode. From there, you can look forward to the possibility of actually earning some money.
For me, this is a great set-up since I’m an investment novice. I must say that Goonder really did make it easy in terms of learning the basics. Over the app, I learned how it all works and what to look out for. Terms such as target return and stop-loss are explained on the app, for example.
I just want to make a quick comment about the tutorial section. It’s supposed to provide you with quick lessons about the app and its different features or sections. However, I couldn’t see any. None of them appeared to work for me.
Also, it could be a good idea to create a quick video tutorial on effective investment strategies. The app makes it simple and easy to understand but adding a small how-to video or section could really make it better.
Choosing your stocks
Remember Tinder? Well, Goonder is a little bit like it. That’s to say, you can either swipe left or right when scooping out daily investment opportunities. Swipe right to invest in stock or swipe left to pass. If you get confused with all this swiping, you can always click on the Dismiss or Accept buttons.
Each investment card has the name of the company, its industry and a brief description of what it does.
Also, at the bottom, you can check the cost of each stock, the expected target return and stop loss. If you aren’t familiar with these terms, simply click on the question mark at the top right-hand corner. A brief description of all elements will appear on your screen.

When you are done selecting opportunities, then you can specify the amount of money you’d like to invest. This is how your investment ticket is created. There’s even a “magic mode” option that will equally distribute money between your chosen stocks.
After you decide how much money you want to invest, then you can specify the number of stocks for each company you would like to acquire. From there, you can place your order.
Remember to check your success rates since Goonder allows you to track your everyday performance. Verify how you’ve been doing daily, monthly and annually. This way, you can discern whether or not you were making smart investment decisions.
Additionally, Goonder offers cryptocurrency exchange deals. The company uses a special algorithm that tracks crypto trends. With this, the platform makes recommendations regarding optimal currencies and even the best time to invest. Or at least that’s what the app says it can do when you first open it on your phone.
Sadly, this feature wasn’t working for me, either. I tried closing and opening my account and still couldn’t use it. Perhaps being an Android user had something to do with it? I really can’t say.
Real mode
Users can switch over to the “real” mode anytime they wish. If you are already a stock market expert or if you’ve had enough practice in Virtual Mode, there’s nothing stopping you from investing real money.
Here’s the deal, Goonder works with associated brokers. If your broker is not on the list, then you can’t access Real Mode. Unless, of course, you choose to open an account with one of the brokers listed.
Currently Esfera IB, Etoro and Avalok Capital are the only brokers working with Goonder. Personally, I think this setup severely limits Goonder from expanding, especially when it comes to attracting more users.
However, you can always ask your trader to join Goonder. Just click on the option at the bottom and a pre-written email will be ready to go. Goonder’s designated email will already be set up, just add your broker’s and the message will be ready to send.
Goonder’s super attractive UX/UI

Goonder’s user interface and experience are definitely some of its strongest features. The app has a modern, easy-to-use design that makes it difficult to resist.
I found it to be very intuitive. It even uses different colors to give it a unique feel. Being colorful and simple at the same time, everything comes together to make your investment experience easy and fun.
It appears to me that everything is a click away since you don’t need to spend hours trying to figure out how the app works. Find everything you need on the menu bar with literally just one click.
Swiping between stocks makes it even friendlier for users. Personally, I love the design and overall layout.
For more information on the app, feel free to check out its site. You can’t trade here but there’s an informative blog to review. Read all about the biggest investment deals of the week and how some of Goonder’s stock recommendations have turned out.
Additionally, if you are a broker and wish to partner with Goonder, this is the place to get in touch and join the team.

My overall experience
My main recommendation for Goonder would be to add more brokers as partners. Surely, this would give more people the chance to utilize the app’s services. Having just three really limits the company’s potential to penetrate its desired market. Of course, this is easier said than done, but it’s a good focus point.
Plus, adding a section for quick tips and maybe a step-by-step guide to the investment market could really add some value to the app.
Nonetheless, I really liked this platform. I consider it to be very friendly and a great way to manage investments. The fact that you can personalize the deals available to you is the greatest idea behind it all. Even though the cryptocurrency feature did not work for me, I would still recommend the app for stock trading.
There’s nothing quite like finding your perfect stock match.