Storyboard Launches AI-Powered Translations to Overcome Language Barriers in Latin America

Storyboard introduces real-time AI translations in Chat by Storyboard, bridging communication gaps in Latin America and aiding multilingual workforces globally.
Storyboard Chat Storyboard Chat
Storyboard Chat

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Based in Santa Monica, California, Storyboard, a leading audio communication provider for frontline teams, announced its new feature to offer real-time AI-driven transcriptions and translations for over 50 languages in Chat by Storyboard. Numerous companies in Latin America and globally, with a diverse workforce that includes immigrants and non-English speakers, spend millions on professional or outsourced translation services to bridge the communication gap. However, language barriers persistently affect communications and, consequently, the companies’ profitability.

Interestingly, workers of Latin origin account for 21.5% of the U.S. workforce, according to projections from the Bureau of Labor Statistics gathered by Reuters. As per Expansión, 46% of U.S. employers are seeking more tech staff, as reported by the recruitment firm Manpower Group. Nonetheless, a lack of English proficiency and experience bars Latinos from accessing these remote job opportunities in the U.S. PwC consultancy indicates that 75% of developers lack the skills companies demand.

It’s estimated that companies suffer an average loss of USD $62.4 million annually due to misunderstandings. These language barriers hinder employee collaboration, reduce productivity, jeopardize safety, and decrease talent retention. Addressing this, there’s a pressing need to cultivate an inclusive environment with equal linguistic access.

With the latest advancements in generative AI, clients can instantly translate any voice message or transcript of uploaded files free of additional costs. Chat by Storyboard supports 57 languages, allowing users to switch between translations of 8 different languages, including Spanish (Spain), Spanish (Mexico), and Portuguese (Brazil).

With Chat by Storyboard, team leaders can instantly communicate in multiple languages, enhancing accessibility for all their employees. Clear directions regarding daily actions, standard procedures, safety protocols, and HR policies are now feasible.

In a press release, JP Gooderham, the founder of Storyboard, elucidated:

“Many businesses have multilingual workforces and spend up to 2.5% of their annual revenue on translation. The hefty price tag of translation implies focusing solely on corporate and executive communications, often neglecting routine interactions between managers and employees.”

Since its inception in 2019, Storyboard pinpointed a gap in communication solutions for frontline teams. “Chat by Storyboard aims to be the indispensable bridge between leaders and employees where language barriers persist. We offer cutting-edge translation services powered by AI language models, elevating inclusivity and productivity across sectors, from construction to hospitality to logistics,” Gooderham explained.

The Chat by Storyboard app is available on iOS, Android, and the web. New users can promptly form a team to share training sessions, HR policies, notes, and updates with peers.

The venture capital fund ALLVP revealed in a report that 46% of corporate companies in Latin America are already using artificial intelligence (AI) in their daily operations. Furthermore, an impressive 93% of these corporations have plans to implement it in the future, indicating the growing importance of this technology in the region.

The report also revealed that AI has revolutionized how startups conduct their operations, generating increasing interest, particularly among entrepreneurs. 32% of the surveyed startups stated that they currently focus on AI, while 71% already use AI in their daily operations, and all have plans to implement it.

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