ACAMS Announces LATAM Assembly 2023 to Combat Cyberattacks

With more than 60 experts, the LATAM 2023 Assembly, organized by ACAMS, aims to address strategies to combat financial crime in Latin America.
ACAMS-LATAM-Cybersecurity ACAMS-LATAM-Cybersecurity

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The Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS), a leading international organization in the fight against financial crime, has announced the LATAM 2023 Assembly. This two-day event will be held in the Dominican Republic starting August 29. The conference will focus on strategies to mitigate compliance risks and investigate illicit financing schemes in Latin America.

The Assembly will be dedicated to the theme “Promoting a culture of compliance in Latin America.” Topics to be discussed include the implementation of Artificial Intelligence to reduce money laundering risks, developing compliance plans to combat cyberterrorism, and understanding regulatory priorities in digital banking and crypto-assets.

The event will feature prominent speakers such as Gustavo Elhim Vega Ruvalcaba, Deputy Executive Secretary of GAFILAT, and Meliton Cordero, Special Agent Advisor of the Drug Enforcement Administration of the U.S. Embassy in the Dominican Republic. There will also be a “Regulatory Fireside Chat” with Alejandro Fernández, Superintendent of the Banking Superintendency of the Dominican Republic, and Rodrigo Kibsaim García Romo, General Director of the National Banking and Securities Commission of Mexico.

Participants will have networking opportunities aiming to bridge the gap between the public and private sectors. The sessions also aim to strengthen ties between the fintech and crypto communities, promote the role of women in the fight against financial crime, and gather professionals from non-banking institutions. Scott Liles, CEO of ACAMS, mentioned that the Assembly seeks to create a platform for open and honest dialogue to combat financial crime.

ACAMS has more than 100,000 members in 180 jurisdictions and is committed to the mission of ending financial crimes. In addition to the LATAM 2023 Assembly, the organization offers training, best practices, and networking opportunities.

Most Common Types of Cyber Attacks
Most Common Types of Cyber Attacks. (Source: Ciso)

The Latam CISO 2023 report highlights that the economic damage from cyberattacks could exceed 1% of the GDP in several Latin American countries. The Inter-American Development Bank also reported that only 7 out of 32 countries in the region have plans to protect their critical infrastructure, and over 71% of organizations have reported increased cyberattacks.

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