Contxto – Brazil continues to strengthen itself as one of the most important economic hubs in Latin America. This is especially true with its growing HealthTech sector with a total of 250 wellbeing-focused startups.
Brazil speaks for itself in the health industry. The following market map presents 10 of the most promising health-centric startups based in Rio de Janeiro.

Bio Bureau
Sustainable development solutions are what Bio Bureau Biotechnology has to offer. Some of the company’s specialties include metagenomics, new generation sequencing, genetic engineering of microorganisms, as well as bioinformatics. Solutions to curb energy consumption is something that Bio Bureau prioritizes most.
This biotechnology startup develops non-invasive devices to help treat various diseases. In a more concrete way, the startup’s technology can often detect diseases through a breath analysis.
This portal provides health professionals with a database full of genetic and rare diseases. It has a search engine depending on the diagnosis you’re looking for. Everything happens with the purpose of giving health professionals access to the most up-to-date information.
Benie is changing the way consumers purchase medications, enabling anyone to buy pharmaceuticals at low prices. Even better, the goods are delivered in less than 60 minutes thanks to Bernie’s network of drugstores available 24 hours a day, seven days a week via instant messaging.
PEBMED provides seasoned and aspiring doctors with materials to help them make wiser medical decisions while maintaining knowledge. With its app and articles published on the portal, PEBmed strives to support modern-day physicians seeking continual improvement or new knowledge.
HelpSaúde knows how much of a hassle remembering appointments can be. That’s why it offers an online platform connecting patients with healthcare professionals and facilities. Not only does it enable clients to confirm doctor appointments but also dentists, psychologists, nutritionists, etc.
This company perfectly understands how medicines require intensive research and development. Since this process takes a long time, though, it has come up with an innovative solution. The firm introduces early-stage candidates to new therapies and practices at partner universities.
With its team of systems developers, doctors and innovation experts, Meddit provides tools to facilitate physician-patient interactions in a more fluid way. Electronic prescriptions in addition to smart agendas are two of its most popular features.
Docpad is a digital office with two platforms. One platform is for doctors to track medications and access medical records while the second is for patients. On the other hand, patients can find the professional that best fits their needs, track their medications and exchange messages with their respective doctor.
Nutrebem is a nutrition tracking platform that allows parents to monitor and control what their children are eating at school. In the process, Nutrebem provides an important resource in fighting childhood obesity. You’ll find Nutrebem in many school cafeterias across Brazil.
Previously we covered the HealthTech sector and the options available in Argentina, which you can view here and compare the differences. Even so, there are still several alternatives available in Latin America to improve the quality of the health sector that we’ll present in upcoming market maps.