Contxto – Recently featured in our Buenos Aires edtech market map, Papumba is making a follow-up appearance. Since edtech is one of my favorite startup sectors to follow, this is especially awesome to see.
Alongside Google and the World Animal Protection International non-profit, the edtech will soon launch an exciting new virtual education initiative in celebration of World Animal Day on October 4. The purpose: to stoke children’s interest in the environment and the endangered animal kingdom.
Virtual environmental education
Next week, Argentine edtech will launch new activities combining environmental conservation and education. Designed to foster responsible environmental habits among children, these new games aim to prepare the future generation of leaders to be environmental stewards.
Since Papumba promotes everything STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) and soft skill learning, this effort makes perfect sense. In due time, users will have the opportunity to learn about animal welfare through various games and activities.
With that also comes special knowledge about animal habitats, characteristics, but ultimately, the environmental problems that threaten their survival. Simply imagine the dangers that aquatic animals face in oceans full of rubbish.

Part of the campaign that could reach 20 million worldwide also involves educating learners about animal cruelty. As rainforests across the world succumb to fire, large swarths of animals are also perishing in the process.
“The children of today will be the adults of tomorrow, so nurturing their love of animals and nature from a young age is essential,” said Pippa Rodger, Global Director of Marketing and Communications, in a recent press release.
“We hope the activity will inspire this generation of young learners to grow into heroes for animals by joining the growing global movement to speak up, take action and protect animals in every way possible. Because all animals deserve a life worth living.”
Environmental edtech
For Papumba CPO Andrés Ballone, he believes that his solution could play a vital role in the global environmental movement.
“At Papumba, we understand that to raise awareness about climate change and environmental conservation to the leaders of future generations is essential to make the planet a better place to live,” said Ballone in recent email correspondence.
“This is why at Papumba Academy, we have actively decided to make our contribution, generating games and educational projects that happily manage to fulfill this purpose.”
Over the Papumba platform, there are more than 500 immersive experiences advocating for early childhood development through personalized learning. The edtech creates apps meant to help young users cognitively develop, encouraging them to learn through immersive playing experiences.
At the same time, the program reinforces concepts of kindness and compassion, transferable concepts when it comes to human-to-animal interactions. In this regard, the program may end up helping users’ improve relationships with others.