Crypto Wars lets gamers win money as they self-isolate

Crypto Wars Lets Gamers Win Money As They Self-isolate Crypto Wars Lets Gamers Win Money As They Self-isolate
crypto wars lets gamers win money as they self-isolate

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Contxto – Video games are garnering attention as everyone practices social isolation. So, Argentine game developer Experimental wants to make its mark through the recent launch of Crypto Wars.

Correspondingly, since its April 15 launch, e-sports fans have been able to play in short one-on-one tournaments and win cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Etherum.

The launch of Crypto Wars is another subtle sign of Latin America’s budding video game industry, as well as the rising interest for esports within the region.

Making money through video games

Stuck (and bored) at home? How about playing video games to earn some extra cash? This is what video games like Crypto Wars bring.

Crypto Wars Lets Gamers Win Money As They Self-isolate
The game is available both for PC and mobile gaming.

Gamers are matched based on similar skill levels, so noobs don’t face off with more advanced players.

They then each put up their cryptos which are correspondingly awarded to the winner. From this pot, Experimental takes a 16 percent cut.

Each match takes around 20 minutes to complete, according to a statement from the startup. So you win (or lose) crypto pretty quickly.

Entrepreneurs in Argentina founded Experimental in 2018 and since then it’s raised US$500,000 in funding.

E-sports are “having a moment”

To some, betting money (or cryptocurrencies) on a video game sounds like gambling. Nonetheless, e-sports advocates state that it’s not gambling since winning is based on skill, rather than luck.

But interestingly enough, the ongoing pandemic may have pushed live-sports gamblers to the digital sphere. One e-sports betting platform,, reported daily bet volume has increased by 20 percent.

And when you think about it, to a degree, we’ve always been primed for esports. 

We grew up on the school-yard playing games that require skills like tazos, marbles, or others of that nature “for keeps.” Should videogames be treated differently since it’s money that’s at stake?

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