Globant Ventures adds three Argentine startups to its portfolio

Globant Ventures Adds Three Argentine Startups To Its Portfolio Globant Ventures Adds Three Argentine Startups To Its Portfolio
globant ventures adds three argentine startups to its portfolio

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Contxto – The investment branch of Globant, Global Ventures, recently incorporated three tech startups into its expanding portfolio: CamOnApp, AvanCargo, and TheEye. The total investment totaled US$500 thousand.

In Summary

Each of the chosen startups received between US$50,000 and US$250,000. Winners also received co-investments from the Argentine Ministry of Production and Labor and its Trust Fund for the Development of Entrepreneur Capital (FONDCE).

“We created FONDCE to leverage for the government investments in private companies with Argentine ideas because we know the entrepreneurial capital plays a fundamental role in the growth of the country,” said Mariano Mayer, the Secretary of Entrepreneurs and SMEs.

“Globant Ventures was selected as one of the accelerators to promote technology-based projects and today we are very happy to see the first results.”


CamOnApp works with companies and brands to launch features using augmented reality (AR). Not only does it offer custom campaigns with its team of multimedia design and 3D animation experts but also self-service. This way, designers and media agencies can create their own AR projects without necessarily needing any prior programming knowledge.

Also using technology is AvanCargo that digitizes cargo transportation. Its platform unites supply and demand, simplifying transactions as well as operations in the process. Features on the app support providers in monitoring shipments with AvanCargo’s geo-tracker. It also serves as a platform for delivery personnel to complete orders.

Last but not least, TheEye uses robotics in order to add value to human talent. Specifically, it assists companies in installing RPA software robotics to improve productivity, accuracy, in addition to expansion. Simply put, businesses partner with TheEye to delegate manual and repetitive tasks to robots using AI and machine learning.

“These three projects sum up what we look for in startups,” said Gustavo Martello, an operating partner at Globant Ventures. “Businesses based on technology, high potential for growth at a global scale, and solid teams of entrepreneurs capable of executing successful business plans.”


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