These are the international finalist startups in 2019 Brazil Tech Awards

These Are The International Finalist Startups In 2019 Brazil Tech Awards These Are The International Finalist Startups In 2019 Brazil Tech Awards
these are the international finalist startups in 2019 brazil tech awards

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Contxto – After reviewing over 130 applications, the 2019 Brazil Tech Award organizers have finally shared the names of the seven scale-ups participating in the final stage of the event.

Set to take place in São Paulo, Brazil on November 4, winners will receive an unprecedented £70,000 worth of services to support a smooth transition to the Brazilian market. 

Foreign companies in Brazil 

To strengthen Brazil’s entrepreneurial ecosystem, the jury has chosen seven foreign scale-ups out of 138 to compete in the event’s first edition. Each participant intends to launch operations in Latin America’s largest country. 

“There were 29 countries that entered scale-ups in the Smart Cities, HealthTech, Fintech, Entertainment, Agtech, Manufacturing and MadTech areas,” said Sandra Sinicco, co-Founder of LatamTECH.UK, the British company that manages the festivities.

“Out of 138, we had a great participation of companies from the Health, Agrobusiness and Fintech areas.”

Pitch day 

Since November 4 is the last day programming, that’s when we can expect to hear final pitches at the FIESP Theater. To prepare, LatamTECH.UK is reportedly supporting the startups to make the best presentations possible.  

Simultaneously running, there will also be the EXPO for the participating scale-ups to showcase their products and services. 

“The EXPO will showcase some of the world’s most creative scale-ups,” said Gustavo Sanchez Reulet, co-Founder of LatamTECH.UK. “The idea is that it will foster relationships between foreign and Brazilian companies.” 

Award package

Winning scale-ups can look forward to tapping into unprecedented £70,000 worth of services at the 2019 Brazil Tech Awards. The premise is to ensure that startups have all of the amenities they need to succeed in the Brazilian market. 

Within this package involves complimentary office space in Sao Paulo for one year in the WeWork building. Business development services from Deloitte as well as digital marketing by Eydos Digital will also be provided.

Additionally, there will be coaching from Sterna; marketing and communication strategy from New Option; SMS, Web Push and SMTP mailing service from SendPulse; technical consultancy service for software development from Devgrid; legal support service by BNZ Innovation and Public Relations from GrupoCASA Brasil. 

Without any further ado, these are the finalists for the 2019 Brazil Tech Awards. 

Infraspeak (Portugal) 

Intelligence for maintenance, finance and innovation is how Infraspeak would describe itself. Managers or businesses needing to streamline tech operations use the service to optimize operations. Benefits range from cost management features, easy report generation, financial analysis, building management, auditing, plus other features.

On the professional side, the platform is a great resource for managers and technicians from various industries. Whether in terms of general facility management, technical services, hotel or retail, the program’s interface is always tailored to the individual role. Today, Infraspeak reportedly manages over 25,000 buildings.

Illumr (United Kingdom) 

Under the banner of “augmented cognition,” Illumr provides AI solutions to organizations in understanding as well as predicting behavioral patterns. While working within the deep-tech realm, anybody can become a data scientist based on its easily-understood AI solutions. 

One of Illumr’s products is the Smart Data Discovery tool that allows users to organize data in a 3D manner. This way, they can glean new insights for bias-free hypotheses thanks to the unique methodology. Even the data analytics available over Illumr are made with the human brain as the main inspiration. 

Intsite (Israel)

If your company wants a safe and efficient solution to heavy machinery, then Intsite may have you covered. As part of its AI automation solution, it combines computer vision, deep learning and aerospace algorithms to hardware, whether that be cameras or sensors.  This way, machines such as cranes or excavators become “smarter.” 

That’s to say, construction machines become part of a cloud. Each new device joins the growing networks of heavy machinery where construction sites can constantly be monitored in real-time. For autonomous machine operation, there is the AutoSite™ while the ForeSite™ product is a virtual assistant for machine operators. 

Motorica (Russia)

Currently with offices in Russia, China and India, Motorica develops myoelectric prostheses. In case the term doesn’t ring a bell, that means that muscle contractions generate electric activity in hands as well as arms. Both engineers and medical experts designed this medtech solution. 

Specifically, much of the prosthesis depends on the type of injury. Typically, common cases range from wrist to forearm injuries. Also in terms of the most common age among users, most are between 2 and 16-years old. Using the prosthesis assists them in training and developing their muscular functions. 

Promptly (Portugal) 

There are two communities within the Promptly platform – medical professions and patients. For doctors and physicians, the program provides real-time information about various treatments, not to mention organized data for quality research purposes. All of the data is easily transferable to your device. 

On the other hand, patients can receive information about their specific ailment while comparing treatment plans. Subscribers can even compare their progress compared to other patients. Information shared over the platform always remains confidential as well as anonymous. 

Talkbank (Russia) 

No more inconvenient banking thanks to Talkbank. Catering specifically to Generation Z, the app allows account holders to chat with their banks over a messenger system. Everything from balance inquiries to bank transfers can be facilitated over the app. Additionally, users can get advice over the fintech program on a 24/7 basis. 

Partnering banks can supposedly reduce costs by 65 percent while increasing revenue by 45 percent thanks to Talkbank. Much of the technology utilizes AI and BigData, all while combining traditional banking, office and call center app features. In the end, it’s an effective use of a chatbot with plenty of fintech features. 

Voltaware (United Kingdom) 

Households can decrease their level of electricity consumption due to Voltaware. The startup provides real-time management for homes, offices and buildings, permitting clients to reduce their monthly bills. Not only is it an economic solution but also an environmental one.

To achieve this, Voltaire monitors and analyzes energy consumption 24/7 with the appliances connected to the platform. It even notifies users of what electrical appliances are consuming the most. From there, it provides suggestions to users regarding financial savings, in addition to energy conservation tips.  


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