MediPreço: Health Management and Discount Medication App

Empowering employee well-being with cost-effective health solutions through analytics and AI-driven algorithms.
Medipreço: Health Management And Discount Medication App Medipreço: Health Management And Discount Medication App
Austin Distel austindistel

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MediPreço operates as both an integrated health management system in the workplace and a personalized educational program, partnering with companies to nurture the health and wellness of their employees. This startup is driven by the vision of making health care accessible everywhere and to everyone.

Offered as a corporate benefit through a mobile app, MediPreço grants partner companies’ employees access to a vast array of medications and health and wellness products at the most competitive prices in the market. The app adds convenience by allowing easy payment methods and delivery services for orders placed. Additionally, it provides human resources and health managers from partner companies with an analytical platform featuring anonymized health data of their workforce.

MediPreço utilizes artificial intelligence algorithms to make medical treatments more technologically advanced. The app routinely updates with the best prices in the region and expands its product assortment, enhancing financial accessibility to treatments. Its AI capabilities enable continuous learning, which suggests scheduled purchases, medical treatment entries, and recurring delivery of medicines to users, thereby ensuring continuity in their treatment regimens.

A snapshot of MediPreço reveals the following: its official name is MediPreço Solução, and it’s a healthtech outfit offering an integrated health management system coupled with personalized education. Located in Brasília, DF, the company employs 32 staff members and was established in 2017. Noteworthy is its growth between Q1 and Q2 of 2023, which was recorded at 6.64%. Discover how you can partner with Startupi to boost your communication efforts — Startupi: Journalism for those at the forefront of innovation.

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