2 startups from Latin America made it into 500 Startups’ 26th batch

2 Startups From Latin America Made It Into 500 Startups' 26th Batch 2 Startups From Latin America Made It Into 500 Startups' 26th Batch
2 startups from latin america made it into 500 startups’ 26th batch

Keep up to Date with Latin American VC, Startups News

Contxto500 Startups, hosts one of the most renowned accelerator programs from Silicon Valley. And this accelerator/early-stage venture fund disclosed its list of startups for its 26th batch. 

And hey-oh! 

Among the 29 chosen ones, there were two from Latin America. Chilean Get on Board, that had previously been featured on our market map of HR startups.

And second is Brazilian fintech, Alloy, with a very cool credit card.

The pair of startups, alongside the other 27 cohorts will be pitching their projects on Demo Day scheduled for March 19.

Anywho, here’s the deets on the two Latin American startups who participated:

Get on Board (Chile)

This startup for HR caters to the specific employee recruitment needs of startups and the general IT industry.

This means their platform hosts specialized openings in tech. Searchers can find ads for full-stack developers, UX designers, sales managers—whatever IT might need job-wise is likely to be there. Likewise, HR reps can post a job on Get on Board and wait for applicants to come to them.

Regarding Get on Board’s participation in 500 Startups, Sergio Nouvel—CEO and Co-founder—disclosed a few juicy details in a recent blog post.

“Although we are part of the San Francisco program,” said Nouvel, “we received an unusual co-investment from both 500 SF and 500 Mexico (Luchadores Fund). This investment completes a US$600,000 pre-seed round we raised at the end of 2019, where we are also proud to announce Angel Ventures, FEN Ventures and other angels such as Platanus as investors.”

And the funding is sufficient to fuel the startup’s future plans. As the post goes on to explain that Get on Board is also expanding into Mexico, growing out its team, and trying out new products.

Mexico’s high employee turnover rates and growing IT industry sure make it a hotbed for HR startups.

Related article: 11 startups in Chile lightening the load for Human Resources

Alloy (Brazil)

Brazilians Gustavo Guida and Renato Steinberg combined their backgrounds in entrepreneurialism, banking, and tech to launch their startup, Alloy.

And this fintech has a customizable credit card in mind for consumers. Automation is at their product’s core, which curiously enough hasn’t even been launched yet. 

For now, there’s a waiting list. But with the funding they’ve received from the accelerator, it’s likely users will have access to Alloy’s card soon.

The startup’s website displays many innovative features for its upcoming card including carbon credits, donating cash back to a charity of choice, as well as automation to pay the card’s bill.

Despite not being in the market, these unique features make Alloy a fintech to follow for future developments—regardless of it having participated in 500 Startups

Related articles: Tech and startups in Chile!


Keep up to Date with Latin American VC, Startups News