Contxto – Approach a successful founder and chances are they owe a great part of their success to their product having been supported by the best tools and resources out there. This is where AWS’s Startup Day Virtual comes into play. I mean, they did learn from the biggest player in town.
We’re talking that classic out-of-a-garage startup that went on to have over 100 million customers, one billion sales, and one satellite in space.
Now, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is inviting any and all Latin American startup founders to get together from December 16 to 18, and learn to launch a surefire startup.
Curated for your success
AWS has handpicked key experts in topics ranging from pitch deck design, funding, cloud computing services 101, and beyond.
Who better than the Amazon’s Laura Caicedo to guide you through building a serverless startup, from zero to hero, in 30 minutes flat. By learning to use tools like Amazon S3 and Amazon CloudFront, you will emerge with the abilities that are not only second-to-none, but that are essential in the construction of a company fit for the second quarter of the twenty-first century.
Rebuilding the Tower of Babel
Starting a business can be like learning a new language—literally. The jargon, the business-speak, the acronyms (AWS CDK, MVP, SOE, LMNOP…), well, don’t worry. Part of the point of joining this AWS training is to cut through the clutter. It’s about getting straight to the good stuff.
For instance, there is no use in knowing what MVP stands for if you can’t actually design one. This is where AWS’s Hernán García comes in to get you back to basics. He’ll show you how to correctly identify a Minimum Viable Product and how to implement pragmatic solutions to build one that’ll last and thrive.
This is Latin America, so linguistic diversity is at the center of this event. Namely, Portuguese and Spanish, each with their one and two featured days, respectively.
I hope it is pretty obvious that one of these days is centered around Brazil. But what you should know is that the first Spanish-language day—December 16—will focus on the north of Latin America, meaning Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Panama, and Cuba.
Consequently, the second day—December 18—will be for the south; Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela, Bolivia, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic.
Of course, there is intrigue in knowing that, like with any live event, each Spanish-language LatAm Day will be completely different due to the different audiences, what the speakers had for breakfast, the alignment of the planets, and so on.
On the other hand, the Portuguese-language Brazil Day will be chock-full of new speakers that will nevertheless cover similar topics. The idea is for every language group to feel comfortable, and yet get to cover those key basics that nobody can get ahead without.
The skills, tips, and connections you will be making will go on to constitute the core of your business strategy. You will genuinely not know what you would have done without them.
Don’t miss the chance. It’s free!