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Contxto – The concept behind what logistics startups in Mexico do may seem easy to glean at first. Get things from point A to point B, right? Well, yes and no. The deeper you go into understanding logitech and supply chain management (SCM) startups in Mexico, the less obvious their essential work becomes.
Picture it this way. Has anyone ever asked you?:
“What does Starbucks sell?”
And you go and say: “Well, coffee, muffins, sandwiches…”
And then, some smartass lets you know you’ve been wrong all this time and says that, actually, Starbucks sells experiences.
Well… That’s exactly how I felt when I discovered that a supply chain’s goal isn’t to satisfy the client nor to reduce costs. SCMs goal is to meet demand with supply.
Looks easy, right? Well, if that’s the case then these 38 logitech startups in Mexico will make it look even easier.

Startup missing?
Logitech logistics in Mexico
Transportation problems in Mexico seem like an insurmountable challenge to many. On one hand, consider the scarcity of navigable rivers, the vastness of the country, and the ruggedness of its mountains.
Then consider the more socio-economic aspects that make logistics a challenge in the country. From commodities and vehicle theft to the lack of reliability between parties and poor inventory management.
And this is all just the tip of the iceberg.
This is where SCM, logistics, and last-mile delivery startups come in. You’re probably thinking of the likes of Orchata—an online groceries platform for local businesses—that get goods to final customers, but B2B solutions abound.
Many team up with other startups. I rather liked the synergy behind the fact that 99minutos delivers Mexican fintech, Fondeadora’s cards.
If you’re keen on diving deep into what the future of logitech and logistics startups in Mexico holds, have a look at this amazing episode of Futurismo: