Akún, the Mexican real estate company, will implement NFTs in its developments

The main objective of this initiative is to attract investors and open a commercial channel in international markets through cryptocurrencies. Akún plans to use asset tokenization.
Akún_NFTs Akún_NFTs

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Akún has just announced an initiative to implement non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in its developments for property tokenization. Although still in the planning phase, the company has confirmed that it will use the OpenSea platform and an internal development to issue and market its tokens.

The city of Mérida emerges as the epicenter of this innovative proposal. Known for its safety, it is considered the second safest city in America according to CEOWorld magazine and, according to the INEGI census, it has the highest trust rate in the country’s police force, with 72%.

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Akún’s flagship development in Mérida, Mayab Residences, is the first to plan the implementation of NFTs.

This announcement represents a bold and exciting step for Akún and the real estate industry in Mexico. As the implementation of NFTs progresses, the company is committed to keeping its investors and the public informed about its progress.

What does this mean for Latin American venture capital firms?

  • The implementation of NFTs in Akún’s real estate developments opens up new investment opportunities for Latin American venture capital firms.
  • Latin American venture capital firms can explore partnerships or investment collaborations with Akún to tap into the growing market of tokenized properties.
  • The adoption of NFTs by Akún signifies the potential for innovation and technological advancements in the real estate sector, which can attract increased attention and investment from venture capital firms in the region.

What does this imply for Latin American real estate startups?

  • Latin American real estate startups can leverage the implementation of NFTs by Akún to enhance their competitiveness in the market.
  • The adoption of NFTs opens up new avenues for fundraising and attracting investors for real estate startups in the region.
  • The use of NFTs can increase transparency and efficiency in property transactions, offering a unique selling point for Latin American real estate startups.

For detailed information, visit: Akún

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