Facebook and MassChallenge Mexico want startups that add connectivity to Latin America

Facebook And Masschallenge Mexico Want Startups That Add Connectivity To Latin America Facebook And Masschallenge Mexico Want Startups That Add Connectivity To Latin America
facebook and masschallenge mexico want startups that add connectivity to latin america

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Contxto – Even as you read this, you’re benefited by the force that is the internet. Nonetheless, it’s a benefit to which not everyone in Latin America has access.

To deal with this problem, Facebook and MassChallenge Mexico are joining forces to launch, “Connectivity,” a new accelerator for companies creating solutions to ease internet access.

Through a 12-week program (held remotely of course), selected startups from across the continent (as in North, Central, and South America) will partake in mentoring, networking, as well as training opportunities.

The call for applications opened yesterday (3) and will be open until September 11. 

The digital divide in Latin America by the numbers

According to Statista, around 59 percent of the population in Latin America had access to the internet in 2018. It’s a big improvement when compared to 2011 when only 36 percent of the region’s population had internet access.

So while the amount of internet surfers has increased over the years, the region still faces a considerable challenge. 

More so when compared to developed countries like the United States or Canada that had much higher internet penetration rates (89 percent and 86.7 percent respectively) in 2018.

But beyond these statistics, there are additional motives to bring more access to the region.

MassChallenge and Connectivity in times of Covid-19

The coronavirus pandemic only further emphasized the importance of reaching the world wide web.

Today, access to a reliable internet connection and innovative digital initiatives are crucial to adapt to new lifestyles. Without a doubt Covid-19 has greatly changed the way we live and carry out our day-to-day,” MassChallenge told Contxto.

“That’s why we see big potential in promoting startups that help make the internet more accessible and thus offer opportunities.”

Rightly so, it’s important that now more than ever governments, startups, and other organizations work together.

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“We see Facebook Accelerator: Connectivity as the perfect opportunity for startups across the continent to reduce the digital divide and that way they provide better opportunities in development for the communities that really need it,” says Camila Lecaros, Managing Director at MassChallenge Mexico.

If you’re interested in applying, be sure to check out the details here.

Related articles: Tech and startups from Mexico!


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