InDrive launches the Underdog Tech Award 2023 to boost emerging technology startups in LatAm

InDrive launches the Underdog Tech Award 2023 to support emerging technology startups in LatAm, offering prizes and comprehensive support, including US$60,000 for the winner.
InDrive InDrive
Photo: InDrive

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Technology startups in non-traditional regions for technology, such as Latin America, can participate in the Underdog Tech Award 2023, an international award launched by inDrive, the global mobility and urban services platform.

This award aims to support emerging technology startups that face challenges due to their geographic location, limited resources, and lack of access to financing. It seeks to highlight and support those companies that, despite not being located in the leading technology centers such as the United States or Europe, are generating a positive impact in their communities or have the potential to do so.

Startups interested in participating must meet specific requirements, including being outside of significant technology centers, positively impacting their communities, having rapid growth projections, and having been founded in the last five years. , have a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), have not raised investments more significant than the seed capital of $4 million, and have yet to participate in international conferences.

The registration process involves visiting the competition website, locating the registration tab, completing the required information, and attaching a presentation of the startup in PDF format. This presentation should address critical aspects of the company, such as its objectives, the needs it addresses, the founding date, and the current status of the project.

Important dates to keep in mind are the following:

  • Registration deadline: December 1, 2023
  • Application evaluation: December 2023
  • Preselection of finalists: February 1, 2024

The startup winning the award will receive USD $60,000, in addition to other significant benefits, such as support in the area of Public Relations and training provided by industry experts.

This award is a valuable opportunity for those technology startups that, despite not being located in conventional technological epicenters, are demonstrating significant potential and contributing positively to their communities. The inDrive initiative highlights the importance of recognizing and supporting emerging specialized talent and innovation in various regions of the world.

Keep up to Date with Latin American VC, Startups News