Top 13 podcasts every Latin American entrepreneur should listen to [2020]

Top 13 Podcasts Every Latin American Entrepreneur Should Listen To [2020] Top 13 Podcasts Every Latin American Entrepreneur Should Listen To [2020]
top 12 podcasts every latin american entrepreneur should listen to

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Contxto – When we talk about entrepreneurship, we know that time is often a scarce asset. We also know that learning is never enough, and the list of factors to take into account is probably endless for an entrepreneur.

This is where podcasts came in handy: often niche, in-depth, and widely available. A real boon for an on the run founder. Unlike written content, podcasts are a great way to gain knowledge and stay informed while doing other activities, such as going to the gym, commuting, cooking, working, etc. 

On the other hand, podcasting is no longer a new trend. Indeed, in recent years, podcasting has consolidated its content deeply amongst the lives of Latin Americans.

Whether you are intending to expand your knowledge, just learning, or keeping up with those who are changing the rules of the game, we present to you a ranking of the best podcasts—proudly Latin American made—that every entrepreneur should at least give a cursory listen to:


If you want to learn how to truly scale startups and hypergrowth companies, Tracción is your go-to audio source for that! Although if you want to review some of the key learnings, take a look at their blog, too.


If you want to be successful in entrepreneurship, it is vital that you understand the industry trends and the new technologies that are changing the way we do business. At Futurismo we interview the most visionary entrepreneurs in each industry to open your eyes.

En Contxto

Let’s be honest, it was completely obvious that this podcast was going to be number one on our list. With the freshest and most recent content about what is happening in the world of entrepreneurship, technology, and venture capital in Latin America, listeners can enjoy the three most relevant news items of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in 25 minutes or less.


A podcast done in an interview format, Dementes broadcasts each program accompanied by different guests, all of whom are changing the world or looking to do so. Finding the causes that move these people, this podcast has a very enriching content. 

Libros para emprendedores

Considering all areas of a business, this podcast provides the summary of a number books deemed to be useful for entrepreneurs. The books summed up in this program range from the hard sales, business, and marketing, to the softer (but just as important) education, inspiration, and motivation. 

Empréndete Podcast 

This podcast has an interview format that allows listeners to learn through stories—they are long-form so make sure you’ve got some spare time on your hands. Here you will find the greatest lessons learned by those who are currently running a business.


The Platzi creed is “never stop learning”. Under that same premise, Platzi expanded its educational content in podcast format to share its members’ knowledge from deep within its team with the rest of the world.

Crossing Borders with Nathan Lustig

This is a Chilean podcast, and although its interview format is nothing out of this world, the very specific focus on business across borders makes for the breaking of some very interesting ideas and insights. It is especially good for those who are considering expanding their business soon.

El Valle de los Tercos

There is one idealized vision of what a city-cum-technology cluster for startups should look like. Therefore, this podcast goes ahead and stamps on those rosy-eyes ideas you may have about Silicon Valley. The listener is taken by the hand by Spanish-speaking entrepreneurs who have experienced the world’s most famous tech hub.

Cállate y Vende

“Shut up and sell” says this podcast’s title. And indeed, selling is a crucial element for a business that seeks anything approaching profitability or breaking even… Sounds obvious, but it’s not. So, this podcast sells listeners a sales-system for salespeople through tips and best practices.

Carlos Muñoz 11

With an intelligent selection of guests to speak, using fresh and often explicit language, this podcast has intelligent and interesting opinions for business projects and the personal life of entrepreneurs.

The Frye Show

Creativity is a fundamental element to solve small puzzles presented by life. The Frye Show is starring Robbie “The crazy gringo” who interviews important actors of the entrepreneurship world to learn about their creative abilities from day to day in personal and work life through their experience.


Talking around the entrepreneurship ecosystem, Fintalks is the podcast of the Chilean fintech, Fintual. With a completely casual dynamic, Fintalks revolves around finance and the fintech industry in general.


One of the big ones when it comes to interviewing those who are innovating in the Latin American region. Seeking to encourage the culture of startups and entrepreneurship, this podcast leaves its listeners with a desire to start their own project and become their own "Founders".

Bonus—Entre Titanes 

After twelve great options, here is a bonus podcast to complete the top 13 list. Although this podcast has been discontinued, it still lives on in our hearts. This special mention retells the lessons shared by entrepreneurs so that you can see and experience their world of entrepreneurship through their eyes. 

We know that finding a program that meets your tastes and needs is not that simple. In the end, creating content requires leaving some people out. But we still hope you find this list useful and a good guide to try something interesting that adds value to your day.

Did we miss any Latam startup, VC, ecosystem podcasts? Do you have your own? Share it in the comments and achieve that goal of getting some real visibility for the Latin American entrepreneurship ecosystem.


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