Habi Receives Notoriety Status from Colombia’s Superintendency of Industry and Commerce

The degree of notoriety in classes 35 and 36 obtained by Habi is a category granted by the SIC to trademarks that have demonstrated a high presence and coverage in a specific economic sector.
Habi-Proptech-Colombia Habi-Proptech-Colombia

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Habi, the Colombian proptech company, announced that it had been granted notoriety status in classes 35 and 36 by Colombia’s Superintendency of Industry and Commerce (SIC). This distinction places Habi among the highly recognized brands in the country, making it one of the few Colombian multilatinas to have achieved this status.

The notoriety status is a category the SIC awards to brands with high presence and coverage in a specific economic sector. In Habi’s case, this status applies to classes 35 and 36, which involve the buying and selling of used real estate and the services related to the investment and management of used real estate, respectively.

According to the document issued by the SIC, Habi received this recognition thanks to “the efforts made by its owner to maintain the awareness of this mark among consumers through high investment in advertising between the years 2021 and 2022.” Additionally, Habi has shown “broad awareness among consumers,” contributing to its prominent market positioning.

Founded in 2019, Habi has stood out for its focus on data-driven technology, using artificial intelligence and machine learning to revolutionize a traditionally outdated real estate market. Its platform is based on an extensive, continuously growing database with millions of data entries, over 60 million images, and tens of millions of other digitized documents, such as floor plans.

It is estimated that there is a housing deficit exceeding 43 million apartments in Latin America and the Caribbean. According to the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), obstacles complicating access to housing include limited banking inclusion and the restricted availability of financial services, which hinder obtaining credit and the inefficiency of the sector, further exacerbated by long and complicated bureaucratic procedures.

In the data presentation, Brazil is the regional leader in creating new proptech companies. However, most startups in the real estate technology sector are operational in Mexico. Despite Brazil having the largest market in terms of population, with 212.6 million residents, language barriers make Mexico more attractive for the international expansion of Spanish-speaking companies in Latin America and the Caribbean. Colombia also emerges in third place as a prominent location for establishing companies in the sector and as a favorable destination for international growth.

Number of proptech startups in LatAm.
Number of proptech startups in LatAm. (Source: IDB)

This recognition marks a new chapter in Habi’s history and confirms its position as one of Latin American real estate’s most influential technology companies. With this notoriety status, Habi reaffirms its commitment to continue offering innovative solutions for the real estate market, supported by the trust this distinction grants.

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