LATAM startups to receive support from Cube Ventures-Innogen

Cube Ventures, a venture capital firm specializing in early stage startups, established a strategic partnership with Innogen, the first venture capital firm in El Salvador.
Cube Ventures established a strategic partnership with Innogen to strengthen the startups environment in Latin America. Cube Ventures established a strategic partnership with Innogen to strengthen the startups environment in Latin America.

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In Latin America, startups help drive innovation, contribute to economic efficiency, and create high-quality employment, generating a positive impact on the region by competing strongly in emerging markets.

According to Lavca, in 2022, startups in Latin America raised a record amount of USD$6.6 billion, marking the second most successful year in this regard.

With the goal of continuing to stimulate the development of technology companies throughout the region and facilitate access to investment, Cube Ventures, a specialized venture capital firm focused on boosting startups in their early stages, establishes a strategic collaboration with Innogen, the first venture capital firm in El Salvador, to strengthen the business environment.

“At Cube, we work to have a positive impact on Latin America, and through our investment and knowledge delivery for powerful new technological ventures, we drive the economy to improve the lives of millions of Latin Americans.

“Now, hand in hand with Innogen, as part of our investor team, we reach new geographies in Central America, increasing the creation of investment vehicles, allowing startups in our portfolio to access greater opportunities,” explained CEO of Cube Ventures, Santiago Rojas Montoya.

According to the research and mapping of startup ecosystems conducted by StartupBlink, Colombia ranks 40th globally, standing out for offering a highly favorable environment for startups. This is due to the significant number of new companies emerging in the country and the investments made in this sector.

In contrast, El Salvador is in a learning and adaptation stage regarding investments in high-risk startups. It is recognized that these investments are designed to stimulate innovation-based growth, even if their profitability is not immediate.

“Having a presence in Colombia means entering a market that offers a wide range of possibilities, where a great talent that is growing exponentially resides.

“At Innogen, we are excited to be part of this territory and support entrepreneurs who are solving latent problems of Latinos hand in hand with Cube Ventures, where through their operational capacity, we are sure that we will impact more resilient entrepreneurs,” highlighted Christian Quinonez, co-founder of Innogen.

A study by consulting firm McKinsey supports the encouraging outlook for technology companies in the region, showing rapid growth of startups driven by venture capital funds.

It is noteworthy that there are companies valued at more than USD$1.0 billion, indicating that Latin America represents a promising market for the adoption of technological solutions.

The collaboration between both firms aims to facilitate connections and exclusive opportunities for startups seeking funding and wanting to expand in Latin America. This approach seeks to encourage knowledge exchange and strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the region.

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