NEORIS introduces an Artificial Intelligence tool to boost efficiency and security in businesses

NEORIS has presented an Artificial Intelligence solution that promises to change the way companies manage their operations thanks to advanced technology and exceptional customization capabilities.
NEORIS Artificial Intelligence NEORIS Artificial Intelligence
Photo: Neoris

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NEORIS, a technology company with over two decades of experience, has unveiled an Artificial Intelligence (AI) solution that combines advanced object detection and tracking capabilities, enabling precise identification of behavioral patterns in vehicles and personnel within plants, terminals, production facilities, and distribution centers. This customizable technology enhances efficiency, prevention, and security across various industries.

One of the pioneering companies to embrace this platform is CEMEX, a leader in sustainable construction materials and solutions. Thanks to the implementation of NEORIS’ solution, the construction company has improved its logistics efficiency, optimizing total service time, truck management, and delivery coordination.

Its ability to harness innovative technologies such as Computer Vision, image recognition, Edge Computing, neural networks, and advanced data analysis sets this solution apart.

Gilberto Quintanilla, Associate Director and Project Leader at NEORIS expressed his commitment to innovation:

“We proactively invest in acquiring and developing cutting-edge capabilities to empower our clients with transformative Artificial Intelligence solutions. By leveraging advanced visual recognition technologies, we drive innovation, automation, and better decision-making across all industries. This approach fosters a competitive advantage in today’s data-driven world.”

One key advantage of this tool is its ability to provide greater availability of analytical reports, dashboards, and real-time operational information. It boasts a 90% accuracy rate in object location, resulting in infrastructure and cargo process optimization, ultimately reducing overall costs and delivery times and ensuring customer satisfaction.

To date, this solution is operational in eight CEMEX plants in the United States and Mexico, with expectations for further implementation in other Latin American countries where the company has a presence. The versatility of this technology allows it to be adapted for various customized applications, meeting the specific needs of any company or business line, regardless of geographical location. Some use cases include applications in health and safety, train wagon track, ship, barge monitoring, and physical inventory management.

AI in Latin America

As the world moves toward AI adoption, Latin America stays caught up in this technological wave. It is experiencing a significant increase in investment and the implementation of AI-based solutions.

According to data from the OECD AI Policy Observatory, in 2022, the financial services and insurance sectors stood out as the primary recipients of venture capital investments in artificial intelligence in three of the seven Latin American countries analyzed. In Peru, the financial services and insurance industry attracted the entire capital investment in AI startups. On the other hand, in Chile, fintech and insurance companies accounted for 53% of AI investments that year, while in Colombia, they represented 38%.

In Mexico, the logistics, retail, and wholesale sector stood out as the primary beneficiary, attracting 56% of venture capital dedicated to AI projects. Argentina and Brazil, on the other hand, focused on infrastructure computing startups, dominating the landscape with 58% and 38% of the total capital invested in artificial intelligence companies, respectively. Finally, in Uruguay, the business processes and support services sector received all of these investments, representing 100% of AI investment in that country.

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