IDB Lab and EIT Climate-KIC to create climate startups program

The main objective of BID Lab and EIT Climate-KIC is to support startups that are working to create, execute and deliver solutions to reduce carbon emissions on the planet.
BID Lab and EIT Climate-KIC BID Lab and EIT Climate-KIC

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BID Lab and EIT Climate-KIC, a European center specialized in innovation focused on climate change, have joined forces with local partners to launch an initiative to create a startup acceleration program focused on developing climate solutions in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The main objective of this project is to support startups that are working on creating, implementing, and offering solutions to reduce carbon emissions on the planet.

The entities sought to participate in this program include incubators, accelerators, startup builders, innovation agencies, small consultancies, co-working spaces, and entrepreneurship centers.


The requirements to participate are:

-At least two years of experience in entrepreneurship and supporting entrepreneurship.

-Previous experience working, supporting, and leading startup acceleration programs in the region.

-Size: minimum of 2 people with high dedication to the organization.

-Practical knowledge of the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems in their region.

-Ability to develop and deliver analytical and audience-friendly knowledge.

-Adherence to professional ethics and quality standards in evaluation.

-Basic proficiency in spoken and written English.

-Legal constitution as an organization (private, public, NGO, etc.).


Startups interested in being part of the program have until September 30 to register and can get more information on the BID Lab or EIT Climate-KIC websites.

The countries being considered to be part of the program are Guatemala, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, and Peru.

“Organizations supporting entrepreneurship led by women are strongly encouraged to apply,” emphasized the organizers and creators of this collaborative project.

This program represents a unique opportunity for startups or companies from Latin America and the Caribbean to actively engage in the fight against climate change.

By supporting startups focused on climate issues, these organizations can promote innovation and sustainable development in the LATAM region.

Keep up to Date with Latin American VC, Startups News